Naturopathic holistic medicine
D anie l
Naturopath and fitness coach

Str. 21, 82418 Murnau
Phone: 08841 - 9988543
Dates: 08841 - 628803


The new sports hall

The renovation of our buildings has now been completed and the new, expanded sports hall was inaugurated. Among other things, the entire system is now equipped with a modern air conditioning system.

trial lessons

We always look forward to engaging new entries for our club. Interested? Then come by for a trial lesson and test out our equipment.

Summer Camp

At the end of August, our annual fitness camp for athletic youth from 12 to 16 years takes place. The number of participants is limited so register your children today.

Movement for the whole family

Since our founding in 2002, our club has grown steadily and has long since established itself beyond the local area. The physical fitness of our members is just as important to us as the joint training experience.

Regular training

If you're having fun with it, the fitness comes on its own

Exercise for your children

Let your children let off steam to their heart's content

A healthy team spirit

In joint showdown we learn something about ourselves
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